Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted an update. I've been a little tired and haven't felt too "blog happy" but Jason insisted that our "fans" need an update!

Since our last post, we had a nice work shower here at jcpenney. It was cowboy-themed as well. Super cute and everyone was so generous.

I had promised sono pictures from our 37 week appointment, but, unfortunately, Aidan was being shy and didn't want to show his face. The sonographer estimated that he was close to 7 1/2 pounds at that time and that he would gain ~1/2 pound+ per week, so we might have a chunky monkey. (I hope she's wrong.) She also said that he had a head full of "white" hair, so Jason is pumped that we will have a blonde boy. (Poor thing doesn't realize that her answer was going to be white or black on a sonogram...)

We are all set now and ready. The nursery is finished, everything is purchased and set up...insert baby! Below are some pictures of the nursery.

Jason and I had a stay-cation this past weekend in Dallas. Tricia and Dave were nice enough to keep the furbabies and give us some time just the two of us to enjoy our last full baby-less weekend and relax. We really tried to walk this baby out by going to the Dallas Aboretum and Dallas Aquarium (places I had been wanting to go since I moved here 6 years ago). We had a really great time! Below are some pictures.

We had our 39 week doctor's appointment today. Unfortunately, Aidan is a little too comfy in there and we did not have enough progress to induce this Friday. We have another appointment on Friday morning to find out if we go into the hospital Sunday night and induce on Monday or just come in on Monday to induce. We will keep you all posted, but either way, it looks like we will be having this little man on Monday (9/10).

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Thursday, August 2, 2012

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 34 week check (wow...only 6 weeks left...time has flown)! Everything was fine. The bump is measuring in at 34 weeks and Aidan's heartbeat was strong at 151.

Last week, we had an amazing muralist come in and paint a wall on the nursery. We'll have more nursery pictures to post once we get the glider in and finish up the final details, but below is a sneak peak.

We had another great baby shower thrown for us this past weekend in Dallas. The fabulous (and creative) hostesses were Jason's Mom ("Gigi"), Hollie Bowen, Holly Schilling & Valerie. Many of you were able to attend and we are so very appreciative!

All of the cowboy decor and beautiful flowers:

The yummy cake and incredible diaper cakes made by Tricia and Valerie (yes, that horse is made of diapers!):

Aidan is so blessed to have such loving "Aunts & Uncles", family and friends that were way too generous. He is all set on Polo gear (as if there was any other choice of brand to wear) with tons of cute onesies and I think 5 pairs of Polo shoes! :)

The only thing that has me a little concerned is just how much girl stuff we got. I mean, come on, he isn't going to be a spitting image of Jason! ;) Only kidding...he will be very well dressed, just like his father. Below are just a few of the cute gifts including:
-Polo shoes (of course)
-Daddy bag stocked with hair products for Jason
-Golf clubs so he can go practice with Daddy
-Onesies that will allow him admission to his Grandparents' homes (Camo for Nonni & Poppi and Florida State for Gigi)

That's all for now...

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The most important thing that has happened lately is that Jason got a new job! He will be starting with Party City on Monday. It's a great opportunity. I am so happy and proud of him!

Baby Update: I had doctor appointments last week and today. My belly is measuring 32 1/2 weeks (we were 32 yesterday). Since everything's on track without any contractions or complications, Dr. Walsh doesn't think he's coming early. She is scheduling the induction for September 10th because the hospital induction spots fill up so quickly. (Jason is still shooting for the 7th.) We have our next sonogram on August 22nd, so 5 more weeks to see new pictures of him...

Georgia loves her Mommy and Aidan (already):

Jason and I (and the fur babies, of course) went to my parents' lakehouse for the July 4th holiday. We had a nice, relaxing time and also had our first baby shower hosted by Johnette, Ella, Bobbie and my mom! We felt so blessed to have loved ones there to help us celebrate this exciting time and we were lucky to receive so much adorable stuff!

Georgia just couldn't get comfortable at the lake. ;) I think this picture was her pooped from chasing the ducks, geese and squirrels!

Jon and Katie were able to make the trip, so we got to see our little niece Madison (decked out in her Polo gear courtesty of Uncle Jason and Aunt KK).

ADORABLE decorations and food at the shower. The theme was "Sweet Prince".

Awesome diaper cake that Casey made for us!

Cute little favors: World's Greatest Mom Cheese Grater (with baby bump) and Sweet Prince bags filled with a rattle stuffed with blue and white candies.

This past weekend was all about Kyle Madison Taylor! She turned 1 on July 16th. Saturday was her party and Sunday was her baptism. (Jason had a great time playing with some of her new toys that she got for her birthday...he's such a big kid!) She is a cutie and it is so much fun watching her become a big girl! She will be walking any day keeping Mom and Dad on their toes even more.

Below is a picture at her birthday party. (She realized if she clapped she could command a crowd and get everyone else clapping...she LOVED it!)

We are starting to put together the nursery this week, so pictures to come shortly!

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Monday, June 25, 2012

Unfortunately, we don't have a sonogram and shouldn't have another one done until we're ~37 weeks (8 more weeks)! :( I did go to the doctor last week and everything is checking out fine and I now go every 2 weeks for checkups.

Father's Day was a blast. I decided to plan a little date for Jason at Color Me Mine for us to each make something for Aidan's nursery. Jason painted him a Fire Truck Bank and I did a Dragon. I should have known this might have not been the best place to take someone with ADD, but we had a good time, nonetheless.

Jason also got some great gifts. I prepared him for Daddy Diaper Duty with a 5 Piece Set Florida State diaper bag custom-made for him. His mom got him a "Boy Maker" hat and t-shirt, since, well, he is the boy maker in his family... ;)

Jason and I have each made our first (non-nursery) purchases for Aidan. Can you tell which one Jason bought? I hope Aidan's feet can fit into those at birth, because if that can't be part of his leaving the hospital outfit, I think Jason might leave him there...

We seem to be getting everything wrapped up and ready to go. There is a lady that does daycare in-home who has cared for several babies of ladies that work at my office. We lucked out and she has an opening in September and is willing to hold the spot for us until November! We are going to meet with her and "interview" her next week. The rest of the furniture comes in this weekend and we got the glider ordered, so we hope to have the nursery all done by the end of July.

I started Prenatal Yoga this past week. I don't think I'll be making any best friends in the class. When we were asked to discuss our "birthing plans", they are all going on about natural births at the birthing center and looked a little bit shocked/disgusted when I said my birthing plan was to "just give me the drugs!" a hospital. Oh well, I seriously think it is doing magic for my backaches, so I'll survive the disappointed looks each week for the payoff.

Everyone has been asking if the dogs seem to have changed/know the baby is coming. Well Sumo and Roxie are completely oblivious (shocker), but Georgia seems to know. Her normal position here lately has been laying her head on top of my belly (below). She is also becoming a little protective of me and doesn't let me leave her sight very often. So sweet!

That's all for you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Monday, June 11, 2012

We are at 27 weeks now and it's starting to get HOT! (This is my pathetic attempt for everyone to feel sorry for me this summer, because Jason doesn't have sympathy anymore.) :) Below is a picture at 26 weeks.

I went to the doctor last week and everything checked out good. The bump was measuring at 27 weeks which the doctor said was perfect. The nurse had a hard time reading Aidan's heartbeat because everytime she would get it, he would move away. (We definitely have a very active little man!)

We got our Cystic Fibrosis test back last week and it was negative. I also was lucky enough to do the glucose test (so gross). I got the results back today and I PASSED, so now I don't have to do the 3 hour glucose test!!! (J said we're having an Oreo party tonight to celebrate...dork.)

Daddy is having a hard time with the pregnancy. I got him a maternity pillow last week to try and help with his lack of sleep, but the part I'm struggling with is explaining to him that this is Aidan's room and these are Aidan's toys! ;)

The other weekend, we had a great time meeting my family in Galveston. The 26th Annual AIA Sandcastle Competition was going on. We watched the projects go up all day. It was incredible! Most of the participants were Architects or Engineers, so they had the skills.

Grace and I hanging out on the beach:

Sandcastles!!! (there were 60+, but these were some of our favorites):

Memorial Day weekend, Pleasure Pier re-opened since the 1900 Hurricane struck it. We ate at Fish Tales (yum!) across the street and then walked over afterwards:

That's all we've got for now.

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We had an eventful Memorial Day weekend. Jason was in Atlanta working, so I made the trip out there. Jon, Katie and sweet little Madison were able to come as well. Madison is growing up fast and starting to get a personality and she LOVES her Uncle Jason.

The first day I had to work with Jason (aka tag along in the backseat with no A/C...not fun) and then we all met up at Joey D's for dinner. The must eat item for the guys were the Oyster Shooters. Since I can't eat oysters, I took more of a liking to the Honey Butter Croissants...AMAZING!

We had a chance to see two Atlanta Braves games. The first game we went to, Jason and I had awesome seats, despite a crazed pregnant chick (no, I'm not talking about myself). She insisted we were sitting in her seats (we weren't...she just had pregnancy brain and couldn't figure out section numbers)! Jason joked that he was about to tell the guy "my pregnant wife can beat up your pregnant wife". :) There was a great fireworks show afterwards. The second game was great because we got to sit with Jon & co. and there was a free Scotty McCreery Concert.

After the concert on Saturday, we enjoyed the famous Varsity. It was so good and a really cool experience.

Some other things that we had a chance to experience were:

A trip to North Georgia: We made some stops while driving North Georgia for Jason's work and came across an adorable town called Helen. We bought Aidan some handmade wooden toys there: a truck (that I'm going to paint red like my grandfather's old truck), a yoyo and some alphabet blocks.

Anna Ruby Falls: It was worth the 1/2 mile hike up (we all felt the burn) - it was so beautiful at the top! Madison loved the sound of the water falling too!

Both the homes that Jason and Jon grew up in. Below is a picture of the Roswell home. The other house was in a sketch part of town, so we got out of there too fast to even snap a photo (not joking)!

World of Coca-Cola: Hundreds of old Coke artifacts (the oldest was a 110 year old vase), vintage Coke machines, the vault where the secret recipe is stored and the polar bear (apparently Madison wasn't as excited to see him as the adults!).

And last, but not least, we enjoyed the Stone Mountain Laser and Fireworks show. I didn't get any pictures of that, but luckily Katie was on top of it!

Hope you all enjoyed the pics.

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

So we'll start with what you have all been waiting for...we have a bump! I'm 23 weeks and 1 day (but who's counting) and it is definitely noticeable now...yay! I know that you all probably don't care that much, but it's fun for me. I had to get a co-worker to take this today, since Jason still refuses to see a bump...

We went to our OB last week and the Maternal-Fetal Specialist today. Everything is checking out just fine.

We had another sonogram today. I have to say that absolutely nothing beats hearing and seeing that precious boy with my wonderful husband by my side; I feel extremely blessed.

Aidan weighed 1 pound and 4 ounces today and is in the 46th percentile, so we're right on track. She also checked for the chiari today and everything looks normal, so that was a nice relief for the both of us.

Both doctors have said that he is a very active little boy, which is something I know all too well. He kicked away the fetal doppler last week when the nurse was trying to get his heartbeat and then today he was kicking at the doctor during the sonogram. Jason said it's a sure sign that he is definitely a Mallette boy....great.

Our doctor tried her hardest to get some clear pictures, but he (once again) would not cooperate and was moving too much. Below is what we could capture.

Well, I'm going to get back to work and then off to buy Jason a maternity pillow so that he will leave mine alone (maybe I should have kept that between the two of us, no?!) ;)

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

Monday, May 7, 2012

I was going to wait to post next week (when we had a baby update), but the "Boymaker" insisted that our fans needed a post this week.

Last weekend was my birthday and Jason made it a "Babymaker's" dream. He started the night with a DQ blizzard (my biggest craving) and ended the night with a surprise Romantic spread of Oreo's. For a second, I was confused and thought he was about to propose again. It was definitely a pregnant chick's/Oreo lover's paradise! :) Below are pictures of the island and the cake that he crafted. He also took me to an Etsy show here in Dallas, which I loved. I'm a lucky girl!

We went to Canton yesterday to order the nursery bedding and get a few more decor pieces for the shelf. It was already pretty hot this month, so I think it will be our last trip there pre-baby. I hope that Jason can make it until then, because he's become a Canton-aholic.

Below are images of the things we found yesterday. My favorites are the big Aidan sign that will go above the crib and the precious little worn cowboy boots. Jason loved the idea of Roy Rogers or John Wayne in the room somehow, so he picked up that lunchbox as soon as his eyes met it!

I'm sure Boymaker (the comedian of the family...or so he thinks) will have some comments to this post, so check those out as well.

Love you all,
Jason & Kimberly