Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The most important thing that has happened lately is that Jason got a new job! He will be starting with Party City on Monday. It's a great opportunity. I am so happy and proud of him!

Baby Update: I had doctor appointments last week and today. My belly is measuring 32 1/2 weeks (we were 32 yesterday). Since everything's on track without any contractions or complications, Dr. Walsh doesn't think he's coming early. She is scheduling the induction for September 10th because the hospital induction spots fill up so quickly. (Jason is still shooting for the 7th.) We have our next sonogram on August 22nd, so 5 more weeks to see new pictures of him...

Georgia loves her Mommy and Aidan (already):

Jason and I (and the fur babies, of course) went to my parents' lakehouse for the July 4th holiday. We had a nice, relaxing time and also had our first baby shower hosted by Johnette, Ella, Bobbie and my mom! We felt so blessed to have loved ones there to help us celebrate this exciting time and we were lucky to receive so much adorable stuff!

Georgia just couldn't get comfortable at the lake. ;) I think this picture was her pooped from chasing the ducks, geese and squirrels!

Jon and Katie were able to make the trip, so we got to see our little niece Madison (decked out in her Polo gear courtesty of Uncle Jason and Aunt KK).

ADORABLE decorations and food at the shower. The theme was "Sweet Prince".

Awesome diaper cake that Casey made for us!

Cute little favors: World's Greatest Mom Cheese Grater (with baby bump) and Sweet Prince bags filled with a rattle stuffed with blue and white candies.

This past weekend was all about Kyle Madison Taylor! She turned 1 on July 16th. Saturday was her party and Sunday was her baptism. (Jason had a great time playing with some of her new toys that she got for her birthday...he's such a big kid!) She is a cutie and it is so much fun watching her become a big girl! She will be walking any day keeping Mom and Dad on their toes even more.

Below is a picture at her birthday party. (She realized if she clapped she could command a crowd and get everyone else clapping...she LOVED it!)

We are starting to put together the nursery this week, so pictures to come shortly!

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

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