Monday, June 25, 2012

Unfortunately, we don't have a sonogram and shouldn't have another one done until we're ~37 weeks (8 more weeks)! :( I did go to the doctor last week and everything is checking out fine and I now go every 2 weeks for checkups.

Father's Day was a blast. I decided to plan a little date for Jason at Color Me Mine for us to each make something for Aidan's nursery. Jason painted him a Fire Truck Bank and I did a Dragon. I should have known this might have not been the best place to take someone with ADD, but we had a good time, nonetheless.

Jason also got some great gifts. I prepared him for Daddy Diaper Duty with a 5 Piece Set Florida State diaper bag custom-made for him. His mom got him a "Boy Maker" hat and t-shirt, since, well, he is the boy maker in his family... ;)

Jason and I have each made our first (non-nursery) purchases for Aidan. Can you tell which one Jason bought? I hope Aidan's feet can fit into those at birth, because if that can't be part of his leaving the hospital outfit, I think Jason might leave him there...

We seem to be getting everything wrapped up and ready to go. There is a lady that does daycare in-home who has cared for several babies of ladies that work at my office. We lucked out and she has an opening in September and is willing to hold the spot for us until November! We are going to meet with her and "interview" her next week. The rest of the furniture comes in this weekend and we got the glider ordered, so we hope to have the nursery all done by the end of July.

I started Prenatal Yoga this past week. I don't think I'll be making any best friends in the class. When we were asked to discuss our "birthing plans", they are all going on about natural births at the birthing center and looked a little bit shocked/disgusted when I said my birthing plan was to "just give me the drugs!" a hospital. Oh well, I seriously think it is doing magic for my backaches, so I'll survive the disappointed looks each week for the payoff.

Everyone has been asking if the dogs seem to have changed/know the baby is coming. Well Sumo and Roxie are completely oblivious (shocker), but Georgia seems to know. Her normal position here lately has been laying her head on top of my belly (below). She is also becoming a little protective of me and doesn't let me leave her sight very often. So sweet!

That's all for you all!
Jason & Kimberly

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