Monday, June 11, 2012

We are at 27 weeks now and it's starting to get HOT! (This is my pathetic attempt for everyone to feel sorry for me this summer, because Jason doesn't have sympathy anymore.) :) Below is a picture at 26 weeks.

I went to the doctor last week and everything checked out good. The bump was measuring at 27 weeks which the doctor said was perfect. The nurse had a hard time reading Aidan's heartbeat because everytime she would get it, he would move away. (We definitely have a very active little man!)

We got our Cystic Fibrosis test back last week and it was negative. I also was lucky enough to do the glucose test (so gross). I got the results back today and I PASSED, so now I don't have to do the 3 hour glucose test!!! (J said we're having an Oreo party tonight to celebrate...dork.)

Daddy is having a hard time with the pregnancy. I got him a maternity pillow last week to try and help with his lack of sleep, but the part I'm struggling with is explaining to him that this is Aidan's room and these are Aidan's toys! ;)

The other weekend, we had a great time meeting my family in Galveston. The 26th Annual AIA Sandcastle Competition was going on. We watched the projects go up all day. It was incredible! Most of the participants were Architects or Engineers, so they had the skills.

Grace and I hanging out on the beach:

Sandcastles!!! (there were 60+, but these were some of our favorites):

Memorial Day weekend, Pleasure Pier re-opened since the 1900 Hurricane struck it. We ate at Fish Tales (yum!) across the street and then walked over afterwards:

That's all we've got for now.

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

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