Thursday, August 2, 2012

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 34 week check (wow...only 6 weeks left...time has flown)! Everything was fine. The bump is measuring in at 34 weeks and Aidan's heartbeat was strong at 151.

Last week, we had an amazing muralist come in and paint a wall on the nursery. We'll have more nursery pictures to post once we get the glider in and finish up the final details, but below is a sneak peak.

We had another great baby shower thrown for us this past weekend in Dallas. The fabulous (and creative) hostesses were Jason's Mom ("Gigi"), Hollie Bowen, Holly Schilling & Valerie. Many of you were able to attend and we are so very appreciative!

All of the cowboy decor and beautiful flowers:

The yummy cake and incredible diaper cakes made by Tricia and Valerie (yes, that horse is made of diapers!):

Aidan is so blessed to have such loving "Aunts & Uncles", family and friends that were way too generous. He is all set on Polo gear (as if there was any other choice of brand to wear) with tons of cute onesies and I think 5 pairs of Polo shoes! :)

The only thing that has me a little concerned is just how much girl stuff we got. I mean, come on, he isn't going to be a spitting image of Jason! ;) Only kidding...he will be very well dressed, just like his father. Below are just a few of the cute gifts including:
-Polo shoes (of course)
-Daddy bag stocked with hair products for Jason
-Golf clubs so he can go practice with Daddy
-Onesies that will allow him admission to his Grandparents' homes (Camo for Nonni & Poppi and Florida State for Gigi)

That's all for now...

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

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