Thursday, April 12, 2012

I went to our new doctor today and she was fabulous! I feel much more comfortable and happy that we made the switch. We were a little behind due to the quack doctor, so I had a few unexpected tests done today.

We also had our second part of the Sequential Screen with the Maternal-Fetal specialist and everything checked out great. The baby is weighing in at 9 ounces, which is in the 65th percentile, so we have a slightly bigger boy on our hands. Jon - The doctor did confirm that we are indeed having a BOY! She also said she was 95% certain that it was going to be a blonde-haired boy. (Sorry, had to add that last jab in for Jason.) :)

Below are a couple of the pictures from the 18 week sonogram that we had today. He is facing downward right now and was not wanting his picture taken at all! Like father, like son...I suppose.

I would post another belly pic for you guys, but (just like our little man) the belly is not wanting to cooperate with a clear picture either. (This is absolutely not because I'm not showing yet...Jason!) ;)

We don't have a name yet, but I think we are getting closer...stay tuned!

Jason & Kimberly

1 comment:

  1. It is because the balloon she kept stuffing in her dress kept busting when I was taking the photos! This Mamacita wants to show so badly, she will try anything! Tonight, we are trying some trick photography she has been researching! One way or another, she will be "Showing' shortly, Stay Tuned!
