Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Even though Jason felt like this was a little cheesy, I think a blog is a great way for everyone to know what is going on in our crazy lives. We tried to come up with something cute for the name but Mallette Mob or Mallette Mafia had more of a negative appeal, so Mallette Madness it is! (I'm sure you would all agree that we are running a little mad right now.) Hopefully I can talk Jason into posting on this every once in awhile. (I know I'm not as funny as him, but I'll give it a valiant effort!)

A few updates on us:
Married life is fabulous! That pretty much sums it up.

We got Jason's house leased, so this upcoming weekend is moving time. Lucky for Jason, I was very generous and (finally) made room in my closet and dresser for him this past weekend, even though I'm pretty sure that still won't be enough room for my metrosexual guy! :)

I am 17 weeks today! I swear there is a bump appearing, but Jason thinks I'm crazy. He said the picture we took is laughable and that there is no bump whatsoever, so even more of a reason for me to post it! (Note: This is coming from the guy that has proclaimed he will not notice me showing until I'm 30+ weeks: his way of trying to get out of the "I'm getting fat" debate, I guess? Not gonna happen...) Anyways, despite the slowly dwindling wardrobe, it's exciting to see the changes.

The nursery theme has been agreed upon as "Cowboy". We went to Canton Trade Days with Carey and Valerie this past weekend to get some ideas and found a few things. (Below are images of some of the items we purchased - iron work lamp, nightlight and metal wall art.) We also ordered our crib from jcpenney this past week...I absolutely love it! (I know it's a little early, but it was on an awesome sale and you know Jason (and now myself) are not going to miss a bargain.) It's becoming so exciting and we're having a lot fun with it all!

We have our next doctor appointments on April 12th. It's going to be a pretty busy morning. We go meet our new OB (since we both came to the realization that ours was an unsocial quack) and then right after that we go back to Dr. Koster to do the second part of the Sequential Screen and the 18 week sonogram. We have not seen our little guy since the first of March, so we cannot wait!

More updates to come soon...

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly

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