Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sorry it has been so long since I've posted an update. I've been a little tired and haven't felt too "blog happy" but Jason insisted that our "fans" need an update!

Since our last post, we had a nice work shower here at jcpenney. It was cowboy-themed as well. Super cute and everyone was so generous.

I had promised sono pictures from our 37 week appointment, but, unfortunately, Aidan was being shy and didn't want to show his face. The sonographer estimated that he was close to 7 1/2 pounds at that time and that he would gain ~1/2 pound+ per week, so we might have a chunky monkey. (I hope she's wrong.) She also said that he had a head full of "white" hair, so Jason is pumped that we will have a blonde boy. (Poor thing doesn't realize that her answer was going to be white or black on a sonogram...)

We are all set now and ready. The nursery is finished, everything is purchased and set up...insert baby! Below are some pictures of the nursery.

Jason and I had a stay-cation this past weekend in Dallas. Tricia and Dave were nice enough to keep the furbabies and give us some time just the two of us to enjoy our last full baby-less weekend and relax. We really tried to walk this baby out by going to the Dallas Aboretum and Dallas Aquarium (places I had been wanting to go since I moved here 6 years ago). We had a really great time! Below are some pictures.

We had our 39 week doctor's appointment today. Unfortunately, Aidan is a little too comfy in there and we did not have enough progress to induce this Friday. We have another appointment on Friday morning to find out if we go into the hospital Sunday night and induce on Monday or just come in on Monday to induce. We will keep you all posted, but either way, it looks like we will be having this little man on Monday (9/10).

Love you all!
Jason & Kimberly